Humans of Lifeline — Store Manager, Glen Innis Lifeline Store
Georgia White
“It was an ad on Seek saying, 'Have you ever thought about managing an op shop?” and I thought, 'Only all my life!' “
What connects you to lifeline?
I love the idea of recycling second-hand clothes. I haven't bought brand-new clothes for ten years, and I've always been a mad op-shopper. I love the idea of donating your unwanted stuff. As they say, "one man's stuff is another man's treasure." That's one of my favourite sayings because it is true. I love that.
Before Lifeline, I was doing some labouring work here and there, and then this job came up. It was an ad on Seek saying, "Have you ever thought about managing an op shop?" and I thought, "Only all my life!. I've always wanted to run an op shop". I thought it would be my absolute dream job, and it turns out it is! It all fell into place at a time when I needed a new start out here.
I love running the shop here. It's fantastic. We have overwhelming community support from donations and shopping. We have our regulars, and we also have people in the community that like to drop in for a chat. Which I'm totally up for. I'm a have-a-chat kind of gal. I've gotten to know so many people in town, and I've made a whole bunch of new friends.

Sometimes you'll get someone who's passed away, and the husband will bring in his late wife's stuff. You are unboxing someone's life, which I find fascinating. You get a sense of what someone was like. Other times it's like a treasure trove of stuff. You don't know what you're going to get. Every day is a bit different.
Knowing that a call to Lifeline Costs $39 means so much when I make a sale. I like to tell customers, "you've just paid for someone's phone call to Lifeline". How fantastic!
Human Stories
The Humans of Lifeline
These Humans support lifeline in their own unique way, to ensure that no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.
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